Can you ship my UPS or FedEx account?

We are currently using the 3rd party shipping system (eShipper). So, we are unable to use the 3rd party’s shipping tool to create freight collect. We have compared with freight costs between eShipper, UPS, FedEx, DHL and discovered the freight cost offers from eShipper is decent and/or even lower. So, we recommend you to use our freight cost. Also, we can arrange local pickup when we use the 3rd party’s shipping tool so we will ensure we will not missed the pickup schedule.

However, if you really wish us to ship the order under your courier account. You can email your pre-printed shipping label to us and we can drop off the package to the service depot (e.g. UPS, FedEx, DHL) but please expect additional 1~2 business days on the shipping lead time.

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